If you are interested in becoming a DayMet Director, please complete our application and submit it to:
The DayMet Credit Union Nomination Committee
4988 Wagner Ford Rd
Dayton, OH 45414
Our Current Board of Directors

Serving on the Board
DayMet Credit Union’s Board of Directors is a group of volunteers elected by the membership. It is made up of credit union members from our local community, unlike for-profit financial institutions whose stockholders make decisions. They are your neighbors and coworkers and are dedicated to protecting your best interests.
DayMet Credit Union’s Board is responsible for setting credit union policies, objectives, and long term goals. Directors are elected to three (3) year terms and may run for re-election, if they desire. The primary meeting of the Board of Directors is once per month, generally held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month starting at 4pm. Most often meetings last a couple of hours. Other special meetings are called when necessary.
If you are interested in becoming a DayMet Director, please complete our application and submit it to:
The DayMet Credit Union Nomination Committee
4988 Wagner Ford Rd
Dayton, OH 45414