Financial News, Important Updates|

Economic Impact Deposits are on Their Way

Economic Impact Deposits Will Be Deposited Daily As We Receive Them

Economic Impact Deposits are beginning to hit member accounts. Please know that not all deposits are being sent at once, they will be deposited on a daily basis as we receive them. Our goal is to get your money to you as quickly as possible.


Here are some important things to note:

  • If you do not see your deposit in your account on one day, please wait until the next day to check again. Deposits will be made once per day.
  • Be aware that you may experience a slow down with It’s Me 24/7 Online & Mobile Banking due to the influx in activity. We expect a high volume of logins.
  • Remember, ATM limits are at $1,000 per day. If you need cash, we encourage you to visit the ATM and avoid long lines in our branches.

We encourage you to check your account for your deposit through one of our electronic services, available to you 24/7.


  • Online Banking – Access your accounts through It’s Me 24/7
  • Mobile Banking – Access your accounts through our Mobile App
  • CU*Talk – Access your accounts through our automated phone teller system

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